About me

My name is Xiangyu Guo, a first-year Ph.D. student in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at Duke University, supervised by Prof. Ricardo Henao. My current research mainly focuses at the intersection of biomedicine and artificial intelligence, including but not limited to AI in disease diagnosis and monitoring, spatial transcriptomics algorithms development, and digital pathology.

Recent Papers

  1. Cross-modal imputation and uncertainty estimation for spatial transcriptomics. [link]
    Xiangyu Guo, Ricardo Henao. Accepeted by AISTATS 2025.
  2. STGIC: a graph and image convolution-based method for spatial transcriptomic clustering [PDF] Chen Zhang, Junhui Gao, Lingxin Kong, Guangshuo cao, Xiangyu Guo, Wei Liu
    Plos Computational Biology, 2024.02
  3. Efficient reliability analysis of spatially resolved transcriptomics at varying resolutions using SpaSEG [PDF] Yong Bai, Xiangyu Guo, Keyin Liu, et. al.
    Under review by Genome Biology, 2023.05
  4. Recent advances in blood-based and artificial intelligence-enhanced approaches for gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis [PDF] Li-Shi Li, Xiang-Yu Guo, Kun Sun
    World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2021.09

Industrial Experience

  • Algorithm Engineer at BGI Research, Shenzhen
  • Data Scienctist in PingAn Insurance Group